Movie | Spain | 01/25/2008 | Comedy | Spies
Planeta Země čelí obrovské hrozbě v podobě velkého sucha. Schizofrenní obchodník se svou partou Crimenálníků mají ďábelsky šílený plán: zničit veškeré zásoby vody na Zemi a přinutit tak celý svět, aby kupoval vodu jen od nich. V rukou mají geniální vynález profesora Bacteria na výrobu vody.
Movie | Spain | 03/08/2013 | Comedy | Situation
The film is an ensemble comedy written and directed by Pedro Almodóvar. When it appears as though the end is in sight, the pilots, flight crew, and passengers of a plane heading to Mexico City look to forget the anguish of the moment and face the greatest danger, which we carry within ourselves.
Movie | Spain | 02/07/2003 | Comedy | Spies
Na velitelství T.I.A. (Totálně Inteligentní Agentura) zjišťují, že někdo ukradnul nejnebezpečnější vynález profesora Bakterie - ZDVJ (Zastrašovací Demoralizér Vojenských Jednotek). Ten se dostal do rukou šíleného diktátora, vládce státu Tiranie, který jej hodlá použít ve válce s Anglií. Vrchní velitel T.I.A. ví jedno naprosto jistě: pokud chce získat ZDVJ zpět, nesmí úkol svěřit svým agentům Mortadelovi (Benito Pocino) a Filemonovi (Pepe Vivuela). Ale když ti dva zjistí, že T.I.A. najala arogantního a úlisného detektiva Fredyho Mazase z konkurenční agentury, rozhodnou se vyřešit případ na vlastní pěst. Mortadelo a Filemon odhalí, že Fredy je ve skutečnosti spojencem diktátora Tiranie, který jej podplatil.
Movie | Spain | 05/01/2009 | Comedy
Luis has screwed up - to the bottom. But Pepe is there to help him - to fall. Neither of them had really any idea of the great mess in which they had been involved for some time.
Movie | Spain | 03/12/2007 | Comedy
Movie | Spain | 02/04/2011 | Comedy
Three cousins travel to the village where they spent summer vacations as kids.
Movie | Spain | 05/30/2003 | Comedy
Thirteen-year-old Ramon is on the verge of many adolescent discoveries -- and the confusion that goes along with them. Shy and awkward, he's moved from town to town throughout his childhood and believes that life is about winning and losing. But he soon learns it's all about survival. Like Ramon, Spain is in transition (President Francisco Franco is about to die); it's a time of social upheaval marked by change, illusion and struggle.
Movie | Spain | 09/11/2009 | Comedy
GORDOS is a comedy about life's excesses and deficiencies; about our insecurities, phobias, obsessions, traumas, mistakes, fears, blame, desires, hopes, challenges, concessions, goals, relationships, love, sex, health, family... about survival in the widest and largest sense of the word.
Movie | Spain | 05/25/2012 | Comedy
Michelle Williams plays twenty-eight-year-old Margot, happily married to Lou (Seth Rogen), a good-natured cookbook author. But when Margot meets Daniel (Luke Kirby), a handsome artist who lives across the street, their mutual attraction is undeniable. Warmly human, funny and bittersweet, TAKE THIS WALTZ deftly avoids romantic clichés and paints an unusually true and unsentimental portrait of adult relationships.
Movie | Spain | 07/09/2004 | Comedy
Leni takes Rafi to meet her family in Madrid. Leni's family is Jewish - mother, father, older sister and daughter, brother, and grandfather. Rafi is Palestinian, in Spain since age 12. Before her father returns from work, Leni reveals Rafi's origins. He accidentally drops a block of frozen soup out the flat window, probably killing a passerby. Leni initiates a cover-up and Rafi figures out the body is probably Leni's father. The body disappears and without telling the rest of the family what they know, Leni and Rafi organize a search for dad. Mom is sure he's having an affair. Leni's belly-dancing sister kisses Rafi. Her brother grabs a rifle to shoot the Arab. Can anything be put right?