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(Source: TMDB)

Thierry Wong


Thierry Wong Top Movies and TV Shows in 2024

Chart List

A Little Something Extra

Movie | France | 04/18/2024 | Comedy
To escape the police, a father and his son are forced to find refuge in a summer camp for young adults with mental disabilities, taking on the role of an educator and a boarder. The beginning of troubles and a wonderful human experience that will change them forever.

Les Choses simples

Movie | France | 02/22/2023 | Comedy
Vincent is a famous successful entrepreneur. One day, a car breakdown on a mountain road temporarily interrupts his frantic lifestyle. Pierre, who lives apart from the modern world in the middle of sublime nature, comes to his aid and offers him his hospitality. The meeting between these two men, who are opposites will upset their respective beliefs and they will find themselves laughing. The question is...deep down, are they really each living the lives they want to live?

Numbers represent the title popularity measured on streaming. Every day, we track the popularity of movies and TV shows on Netflix, HBO Max, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, Paramount+, and other streaming services in more than 160 countries worldwide. Viewership by hours or accounts is not provided, so we use the rankings from TOP 10 and other popularity charts, and from that, we build the point system for tracking the changes. See more about how the points and numbers are calculated.

Thierry Wong Popularity in 2024

No data to show.

Thierry Wong Popularity Around the World in 2024

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