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Mouloud Achour
(Source: TMDB)

Mouloud Achour

08/01/1980 (44 years old) | , | Actor | Male
Mouloud Achour est un animateur et journaliste télé français. Il est né le 9 aout 1980 a Noisy-le-Sec. Sa carriere dans les médias débute des l'âge de 16 ans, sur Fréquence Paris Plurielle. Fan de hip-hop, il devient ensuite journaliste pour le magazine RadiKal, et monte un label de rap avec le groupe La Caution, baptisé Kerozen.   Repéré par Ariel Wizman, l'animateur décide de collaborer avec lui puis il integre la chaîne MTV en 2004 pour co-présenter avec China Moses – aujourd'hui au Grand Journal de Canal+ - l'émission MTV Select. Deux ans plus tard, il devient chroniqueur pour La Matinale sur Canal+.   En septembre 2008, il integre le Grand Journal de Canal+ pour une chronique sur les nouveaux mouvements. En parallele, Mouloud Achour fait des apparitions au cinéma comme dans Sheitan, Astérix aux Jeux Olympiques, Cyprien, ou encore Le Choc des Titans.   Il collabore également avec des magazines comme Technikart ou encore The Source. Dans le Grand Journal, il anime a partir de la rentrée 2011, le Daily Mouloud ou il effectue des interviews d'hommes politiques. Il quitte Le Grand Journal de Canal+ a la fin de la saison 2012/2013. Depuis septembre 2013, il présente Clique le samedi a 12h10, toujours sur Canal+, aux côtés de Louise Chen, Clémentine Lévy, Sébastien Abdelhamid, Abdel Bounane et Joséphine Drai.

Mouloud Achour Top Movies and TV Shows in 2024

Chart List

Clash of the Titans

Movie | United States | 04/02/2010 | Fantasy | Ancient Greece
Born of a god but raised as a man, Perseus is helpless to save his family from Hades, vengeful god of the underworld. With nothing to lose, Perseus volunteers to lead a dangerous mission to defeat Hades before he can seize power from Zeus and unleash hell on earth. Battling unholy demons and fearsome beasts, Perseus and his warriors will only survive if Perseus accepts his power as a god, defies fate and creates his own destiny.


Movie | France | 02/01/2006 | Comedy
A group of young people leave a disco and bump into a shepherd who is ready to spend his night worshipping Satan.

Smart Ass

Movie | France | 04/02/2014
Kelly, Dan and Louis are students at a prestigious business school, destined to become tomorrow's elite. The industrious trio are determined to start putting their education into practise from the off in an attempt to make as much money as they can from their fellow students. Working on the theory that relationships between the sexes can be regulated by market principles, they begin to inflate the popularity of certain individuals artificially, by hiring beautiful and sexy off-campus women as their dates for exclusive and riotous college parties. However their perfect business model soon spirals out of control as their moneymaking scheme takes off in a big way across campus.

Numbers represent the title popularity measured on streaming. Every day, we track the popularity of movies and TV shows on Netflix, HBO Max, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, Paramount+, and other streaming services in more than 160 countries worldwide. Viewership by hours or accounts is not provided, so we use the rankings from TOP 10 and other popularity charts, and from that, we build the point system for tracking the changes. See more about how the points and numbers are calculated.

Mouloud Achour Popularity in 2024

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Mouloud Achour Popularity Around the World in 2024

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