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Milton Welsh
(Source: TMDB)

Milton Welsh

01/01/1969 (56 years old) | Kassel, Germany | Actor | Male

Milton Welsh Top Movies and TV Shows in 2024

Chart List

Conan the Barbarian

Movie | United States | 08/19/2011 | Fantasy | Wizards
A quest that begins as a personal vendetta for the fierce Cimmerian warrior soon turns into an epic battle against hulking rivals, horrific monsters, and impossible odds, as Conan (Jason Momoa) realizes he is the only hope of saving the great nations of Hyboria from an encroaching reign of supernatural evil.

Aeon Flux

Movie | United States | 12/01/2005 | Science Fiction | Independent Comics
400 years into the future, disease has wiped out the majority of the worlds population, except one walled city, Bregna, ruled by a congress of scientists. When Aeon Flux, the top operative in the underground Monican rebellion, is sent on a mission to kill a government leader, she uncovers a world of secrets.


TV Show | 03/19/2021

Dream Factory

Movie | Germany | 07/04/2019 | Romance | Dance
A romantic drama set in 1961 that follows a young studio extra's ambitious efforts to reunite with the French girl he loves after being separated by the construction of the Berlin Wall.

Numbers represent the title popularity measured on streaming. Every day, we track the popularity of movies and TV shows on Netflix, HBO Max, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, Paramount+, and other streaming services in more than 160 countries worldwide. Viewership by hours or accounts is not provided, so we use the rankings from TOP 10 and other popularity charts, and from that, we build the point system for tracking the changes. See more about how the points and numbers are calculated.

Milton Welsh Popularity in 2024

No data to show.

Milton Welsh Popularity Around the World in 2024

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