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Margot Bancilhon
(Source: TMDB)

Margot Bancilhon

02/17/1991 (34 years old) | , | Actor | Female

Margot Bancilhon Top Movies and TV Shows in 2024

Chart List


TV Show | France | 04/04/2024
An action show mixing kung-fu and class war.

Haven of Grace

TV Show | France | 02/08/2024 | Drama
As he approaches sixty, the time has come for Pierre Leprieur to take stock of his life. What did he accomplish and what did he mess up during his life? He was formerly an influential trade unionist on the docks at Le Havre. The passing years saw his relationship with his wife and his now-adult children subside. One evening, with his whole family gathered together to celebrate his birthday, the party is ruined. His sons, Jean and Simon, find themselves accused of mass drug trafficking. Whilst their sister, Emma, a criminal lawyer, tries to get them out of this difficult situation, Pierre, who si convinced that he is being targeted, does his utmost to help them. Yet he knows that if he roots around too much, he could end up unearthing truths best left untold.


Movie | France | 01/17/2018 | Comedy
Vincent and Nefeli just moved in together. They're best friends and swore to never fall in love again. That is until Vincent meets Julie.

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Margot Bancilhon Popularity in 2024

No data to show.

Margot Bancilhon Popularity Around the World in 2024

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