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Donny Damara
(Source: TMDB)

Donny Damara

10/12/1966 (58 years old)
Donny yang merupakan keponakan dari penulis novel terkenal Ikke Supomo ini memulai karirnya sebagai model iklan di produk mentega Blue Band pada tahun 1978. Kemudian sebagai bintang beberapa produk iklan reklame di televisi pada tahun 1970an-1980an. Setelah menginjak remaja mulai merambah pada dunia seni peran sebagai pemain film remaja di layar lebar.Ia pernah mendapatkan nominasi pemeran pendukung terbaik dalam Festival Film Indonesia dalam film Perwira dan Ksatria. Lulusan FISIP UI ini setelah film Indonesia mengalami kemunduran, kemudian terjun ke dunia sinetron.

Donny Damara Top Movies and TV Shows in 2024

Chart List

A Harlot's Prayer

Movie | Indonesia | 05/22/2024 | Drama
Kiran, a Muslim woman who is trapped in promiscuity. This happened after she found a hard-line Islamic organization that was expected to sharpen her faith, instead deprived her of it.

Romeo Ingkar Janji

Movie | Indonesia | 07/25/2024 | Drama
Romeo and Agatha, two individuals who somehow are always brought together and separated by fate.

Leave a Letter to God

Movie | Indonesia | 03/07/2024 | Drama | Family Ties
Tulus panicked when his older sister, Dinda, fainted at school after being hit by a ball. Things got worse when his only sibling was diagnosed with a fatal disease. Tulus witnessed his parents' tearful struggle to pay medical bills, even being chased by debt collectors. At the age of 7, Tulus tried to do the best he could, by sending letters to God.

Journey of Love

Movie | Indonesia | 03/07/2024 | Drama
Fathia and Reyhan are reunited as adults. However, for the sake of her adherence to religion, Fathia decided to stay away from Reyhan. However, ironically, this separation actually brought Fathia, who had memorized the Koran, to face a bitter reality. She had to accept marriage to an older man who was already married in order to help the family financially.

Satu Hari Nanti

Movie | Indonesia | 12/07/2017 | Romance
Two lovebirds who live abroad in Swiss find themselves in awkward situation when another couple arrived and enter their life that cause sparks between each other of them.

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Donny Damara Popularity in 2024

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Donny Damara Popularity Around the World in 2024

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