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Daniel Zhou
(Source: TMDB)

Daniel Zhou

05/17/2002 (22 years old) | , | Male
Daniel Zhou, known also as Zhou Ke Yu, was born in the U.S. on May 17, 2002. He is a member of the Chinese group BEST, which debuted on 12 December 2019, and his first acting appearance was in the drama Remember My Boy in 2021 as the main lead, Zhang Yang. On March 1, 2021 his first single 'R.O.T.Y' was released.In 2021, he participated in the Tencent survival show 'Produce Camp 2021' as a contestant, where he ranked 10th. On April 24 2021, he re-debuting as the member of the International boy group, INTO1.

Daniel Zhou Top Movies and TV Shows in 2024

Chart List

Only for Love

TV Show | China | 11/03/2023 | Drama
Zheng Shu Yi, a reporter who excels at her job and is determined to land a front-page story, has tried very hard to earn an exclusive interview with top financial executive Shi Yan. Their love story then blossoms due to a mistake. Zheng Shu Yi has written numerous reports through her in-depth research of various industries while Shi Yan is constantly looking for socially responsible start-ups to invest in as he hopes to give back to society as much as he can. Shi Yan finds that Zheng Shu Yi's opinions conveyed through her reports coincide with his own, so he agrees to let her write a series of reports on their company. The two eventually open up new opportunities in their career and also find love.

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Daniel Zhou Popularity in 2024

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Daniel Zhou Popularity Around the World in 2024

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