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Albert Baró
(Source: TMDB)

Albert Baró

04/29/1996 (28 years old) | Sant Esteve de Palautordera, Spain | Male
Coming from a family with tradition in the theater, he trained in Horitzó Teatre de Sant Esteve de Palautordera, with which he has made several theatrical productions such as Los Pastorets, Abrazo-Sant Esteve Tsunami and Grease. With twelve years he obtained his first professional work performing in Johan during the ninth and part of the tenth season of the series, El Cor de la Ciutat. In 2009, he participated in the television version of Les veus del Pamano, a novel by Jaume Cabré. In 2012, he debuted on the big screen playing Gabi, one of the protagonists of The Wild Ones and in 2014 he appeared in Asmodexia, by director Marc Carreté. On the other hand, in the theater he has participated in the play Els nostres tigres beuen llet by Albert Espinosa, which was performed at the National Theatre of Catalonia.In 2015, he joined the cast of the Merlí series. He appeared in the video clip of The Less I Know the Better by the Australian group Tame Impala. Between 2015 and 2016, he conducted an interpretation course at Laura Jou School and participated in the play, Citizenship, which premiered in March in Barcelona, Spain.38 During 2018, he participated in the Televisión Espanola series Servir y proteger. In 2019 he played Bruno, a Catalan fleeing the Civil War in El Trece telenovela Argentina, tierra de amor y venganza.(via Wikipedia)

Albert Baró Top Movies and TV Shows in 2024

Chart List

Disco, Ibiza, Locomía

Movie | Spain | 05/17/2024 | Netflix | Drama
In the effervescent Spain of the 80s, Xavi Font, an artistic misfit, together with his friend Lurdes Iribar and her lover Manolo Arjona, founds Locomía. Although he achieves success, he also experiences the dark reality of the industry at the hands of powerful producer José Luís Gil.

Last Stop: Rocafort St.

Movie | Spain | 08/30/2024 | Horror
Laura has recently started working in the Barcelona subway. She has been assigned the old and quiet Rocafort station, but it won't be long before she discovers that this stop harbors a legend that will begin to haunt her: many people have died there in strange circumstances over the years and no one seems to be interested in knowing the truth.

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Albert Baró Popularity in 2024

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