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Aidan Moreno
(Source: TMDB)

Aidan Moreno

Aidan Moreno is a British film and television actor. He graduated with a Degree in English Literature and Dramatic Arts from London University. Since moving to Canada he has worked across the country on numerous film and television productions. Now a permanent resident of Canada, Moreno has also lived in the UK and Spain, performing fluently in both Spanish and English. He's notably known for portraying Rick Adderly on the CBC series Heartland.

Aidan Moreno Top Movies and TV Shows in 2024

Chart List

Let Him Go

Movie | United States | 11/05/2020 | Crime | Family Ties
A retired sheriff and his wife fight to rescue their grandson from a dangerous off-grid family upon the death of their son.

Numbers represent the title popularity measured on streaming. Every day, we track the popularity of movies and TV shows on Netflix, HBO Max, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, Paramount+, and other streaming services in more than 160 countries worldwide. Viewership by hours or accounts is not provided, so we use the rankings from TOP 10 and other popularity charts, and from that, we build the point system for tracking the changes. See more about how the points and numbers are calculated.

Aidan Moreno Popularity in 2024

No data to show.

Aidan Moreno Popularity Around the World in 2024

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